5 Tips For Breaking Heart Of Guy Pitching You “Online Tax Credit Marketplace” Like He’s The First One With This Idea
Tell him how impressed you are with his ability to read a two page bill summary written by someone who actually does real work.
Just for shits, tell him you think a better idea would be to create a “marketplace of marketplaces” which is a meta-search of other tax credit marketplaces to be. Call it the “Trivago of Tax Credits”. 100 bucks says he writes that down.
Say you think it’s a good idea, but only if done with a “Web 4.0” approach. He’ll pretend he knows what that means and that’ll be fun.
Ask him if he knows what “tax credit recapture” means. When he doesn’t, tell him it’s a bounty hunter thing, and then just sort of trail off like you don’t really want to get into it.
Take an honest approach: Tell him it’s a horrendous idea because there are about 30 different incumbent companies far better positioned to pull the idea off, but if he wants to start a company, raise way too much money at way too high a valuation from some venture firm trying to “capitalize opportunities at the intersection of fintech and climatetech”, overpay yourself for two years while the company fails to establish even the faintest traction, and then write a book about how failure is the pathway to success and then take a job at Y-combinator.