Opinions From the Street - Direct Pay
The most recent draft of the proposed Build Back Better bill includes a “direct pay” option for taking the investment tax credit as cash. What do you think?
Cynthia Botagna, Systems Analyst
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
Erin Smith, Social Media Algorithm Optimizer
“Having read the entire 2000+ page draft bill and speaking with my local representative about some of the provisions therein, I’m of the belief that it should include more clauses where I get a check in the mail. This sounds like it might be one of those. Is that right? No? You’re kidding me: It’s one of the those handouts for lazy liberals to waste away on their little science projects?!?! Bullshit. Why would we just be giving them some of the government’s hard earned money?
Ralph Sinclair, Tax Attorney
It’s the worst thing I’ve ever heard of in my entire life. That is, unless we can write the law in such a way that it’s breathtakingly arcane, convoluted, and rife with subjective interpretation of vague concepts….in which case I’d be totally stoked to the max. Oh, it is? Great. Wow. That’s so exciting for me. And here I thought the jig was up. [chuckling] [shaking head]. What a time to be alive.