Opinions From the Street - Infocast
Next week is one of the industry’s most attended conferences. Infamous for it’s over-attendance, ill-fitting blazers, and unattended panel discussions, “Infocast” elicits varied opinions. What do you think?
Cynthia Botagna, Systems Analyst
“I heard this rumor - I can’t imagine where it came from - that ‘they’ are really cracking down on having a badge this year. Isn’t that interesting?
Erin Smith, Head of Sales For Venture-Backed Energy Transition Software Platform
“Will any of you shitbags just take a fucking meeting with me so that I Can justify having pushed my CEO to be a sponsor of this event, despite the fact that there are already 8 software platforms exactly like ours and none of you are attending this conference to be pitched a fucking software license?”
Ralph Sinclair, Tax Attorney
“Look, I wouldn’t want to take a meeting with me either, but yes… you have to do it. I sent you a branded Stanley at Christmas, man.”